Founder and Managing Director of Corporate Governance Advisory Services (CGAS) delivering Consulting, Training and Auditingservices in Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) domain.
Ajay is globally the only professional registered as Certified Professional Environmental Auditor (CPEA) from Exemplar GlobalCertification, US and as Associate Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner (AcSAP) with AccountAbility, UK. He is one ofthe most experienced RC 14001 auditor in Asia. He is the only resident Indian currently serving as Regional Vice President atAmerican Society of Safety Professional (ASSP) for Region IX (Global).
CGAS is an official supporter of Task Force on Climate Related Disclosures (TCFD) and all its team members are trained on itsrecommendations. It is also a signatory to UN Principles on Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and Integrity Pledge issued byChief Vigilance Commission (CVC), Government of India.
He worked on projects supported by various Bilateral and Multilateral Development organizations IFC, ADB, AIIB, NIIF, DEGGermany, CDC UK, UNIDO, UNEP, USAID and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and The World Bank.
He has served some of the largest global plants in the field of solar panel manufacturing (in Malaysia), Integrated AluminiumComplex (in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Backhoe manufactures (in India) and Urea manufacturing (in Qatar).
He has been the Chairperson and Speaker at multiple international conferences. He is passionate about Training and hasconducted more than 200 programs covering over 5000 professional from various Indian and multinational companies.
He has been involved in ESG Assessments as per CDC and DEG requirements.
He authored and co-authored numerous publications like “ODS Phase Out: A guide for Industry” a joint publication of CII andUnited Nations APAC for Centre of Technology; and “Strategy for ODS Phase Out in Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Sector inIndia” for The World Bank.