Objectives & Goals

J&A Objectives & Goals

  • Advance occupational safety and health (OSH) profession amongst the industry, academic institutions, and related organizations.
  • Support and promote OSH as a career choice amongst students by providing guidance, and support through scholarships, as needed.
  • Inspire and develop leaders in HSE practice through globally accredited certifications, enhancing careers, advancing the profession, for protecting people, property and environment.
  • Provide education and developmental opportunities to the deserving individuals extending humanity.
  • Recognize individuals, organizations, academic institutions and more, who have made significant contributions, thereby making a difference in the field of HSE, in order to motivate and inspire other HSE professionals, to make similar contributions in saving lives, property and environment.
  • Conduct HSE courses, Training, Auditing, Consultations, Develop Loss Prevention & Health & Safety Programs including Environmental Sciences. To get affiliated with any university/institution/any other local, State or Central Government bodies.
  • Build Schools, Colleges and Institution of research in the field of HSE. To establish and conduct College, School and Institution for imparting multifaceted environment that aims to provide technology and nontechnology education in the traditional, modern and scientific manner through its own facility or leased facility, to establish Hostel and Canteen for boarding and lodging to operate Transportation facility for college and hostel.
  • Borrow, raise money to secure the same, mortgage or lease of the property of the Trust or discharge of any debt binding on the Trust in such a manner as may be thought fit and upon the undertaking and all or any of the movable or immovable property-be created as a security and by mortgage or charges with any nationalized banks or private financial institutions.
  • Employ officers, staff, and workers to carry out the objectives of the Trust as well as engage professional and to pay remuneration to them and to appoint, discharge suspend or terminate their services and engagements.
  • Erect dwellings for the occupation by employees or other persons to carry out the objectives of the Trust.
  • Raise an endowment to encourage the talents by awarding scholarships, prizes, distribution of textbooks, and uniforms for students securing good grades in every academic examination and in furtherance of their studies.

The Foundation shall collaborate with associations having the similar objectives, to promote and carry on the objectives of the Trust [FOUNDATION?], on terms as may be decided by the Board of Trustees and /or enter in agreement with any such organization to achieving the Mission and goals of the Foundation by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs):

  • To raise funds by subscriptions, fees, donations, loans from public, Banks, financial institutions, and other means and to hold and manage such funds raised for the above objects,
  • To acquire and to dispose of properties, rights, or privileges necessary or desirable or convenient for the purpose of the Trust.
  • To organize and or conduct seminars, workshops, programs, symposium, guest lectures, events, research, and development.
  • To develop specialized skills in promotion of the objectives of the FOUNDATION.
  • To conduct community Development Programs for the upliftment of students, youth, the deprived, aged and infirm of the society and to construct and develop such specialized centers for their welfare.
  • To spread philanthropy, charity, humanitarianism, in the minds of the people, for which organize meetings and seminars.
  • To make such representations to the Union Government, State Government, local and public bodies, in the best interest of the FOUNDATION.
  • To nominate delegates, advisors and persons competent to advance the interests of the FOUNDATION.
  • To receive donations, grants, funds, collect amounts from the associations having similar objectives, trusts, societies, institutions and individuals, foreign bodies, governmental agencies.
  • To purchase or otherwise require either wholly or in part and print publications in newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, journals, reviews, pictorials, annual journals, supplements, books and circulars in furtherance of the above objects.
  • To hold, invest and reinvest any money of the FOUNDATION in such securities or manner as may from time to time be determined and to apply all or any of the funds to advance the objects of the FOUNDATION.
  • To provide food, education, clothing, medical care and other aids to the poor, needy and disabled persons and to afford relief to the people in distress due to natural calamities, accident, famine, flood and epidemics.
  • To improve the level of cleanliness and standards of hygiene in all activities at work and at home, as prevention of diseases and uplifting of the healthcare of all fellow beings.
  • To conduct community development programs for the upliftment of the economically weaker sections of the society and to construct and develop community centers or halls for carrying on such activities.
  • To set-up, open and/or maintain or operate any vocational training centers for the purpose of training – up deserving persons in various vocations skills and or trades.
  • To sponsor or support either financially or otherwise, any project of general public utility or community improvement or in the interest of the community, not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit.
  • To support, contribute and/or render assistance, financial or otherwise, to any or all causes of public charitable nature and/or institutions/persons who have objects similar to the objects of the FOUNDATION.
  • The FOUNDATION hopes to offer charitable services to the underprivileged public.
  • J&A HSE Foundation will work hard to raise HSE professionals and support especially the ambitious and most enthusiast but underprivilege youth of India, to achieve their goals.

Launching of J&A BHF & Dr. Pravin Patel – Ms. Mita Patel Scholarship Program